HCR-CTRO d.o.o. participated in a research project funded by the European Union within the 7th Framework Program (FP7). The acronym of the project is TIRAMISU, and the full name is Implementation of tools for the removal of anti-personnel mines, cluster munitions and unexploded ordnance. The project was worth 14.9 million euros, started on 1st January 2012 and lasted four years.
HCR-CTRO was part of a consortium of 24 research centers and universities from eleven countries with the aim of providing the foundation for a global toolbox that will cover the main mine action activities, from large area survey to explosive ordnance removal and mine risk education.
HCR-CTRO d.o.o. has advanced aerial survey technology for operational validation on real minefields, conducted the use of bees as a biosensor for mine detection, quality control in mine action, testing and operational validation of the TIRAMISU tool.
The TIRAMISU project focused on technologies and methods that were developed and needed to be tested in the field, and on innovative solutions that required additional research and development for operational use.